Laurel Deloney
Laurel grew up in Metro Atlanta and earned her bachelor’s degree from Union University. Following her time at Union, Laurel worked internationally for several years in various developing, third-world countries on humanitarian aid projects. After living in South Asia and spending time in East Asia and Southern Africa, Laurel moved to Western Canada to work with a Christian agency that mobilized college students from the United States to engage in humanitarian projects in Western Canada. After completing her time in Canada, Laurel returned to Metro Atlanta to marry and start a family. Laurel now considers Anderson, South Carolina, home where she is raising her daughter and son. She enjoys running, gardening and being outside exploring with her children. She also enjoys riding bikes with them, playing the occasional pick-up one-on-one basketball and soccer game, or being outdoors in nature with them.
In 2012, Laurel began work on an advanced degree at Anderson University. She quickly discovered a strong desire to work with students who were struggling academically. In addition to her teaching degree, Laurel completed an additional specialist degree so that she might work with students with learning disabilities. Laurel has worked with students and children from diverse backgrounds, age groups, and socio-economic settings. Laurel is “at-home” when she is assisting students gain a sense of triumph and achievement academically. Laurel brings experience, expertise, confidence and know-how to give your student every strategy for success.